Interview with Xavier Cross - Southern Coffey County High - Kansas Top Senior Portrait Photographers
My first impression of Xavier was how confident he seemed and how mature he seemed for his age. Sure he joked around and had a great sense of humor but he seemed very confident and sure of himself. Mom later told me he's like an old man. I can see it. He's a good guy, I can tell. He's been through a lot and I think that's helped cultivate him into the young man he is. It was an absolute pleasure photographing him and sincerely one of the best sessions I've photographed in a long time. I am so happy with the results. Very dramatic and I think they really showcase him well! T.H. Peterson: What are your plans after high school? Xavier: Work on the road/make money. T.H. P.: What would your dream job be? Xavier: Be a hunting guide. T.H. P.: What would people be surprised to learn about you? Xavier: I’m actually a chef (I make my own jerky and summer sausage) and that I’m one of the youngest old men you’ll will ever meet. T.H. P.: What goals do you have set for yourse...