Interview with Isaiah Pritchard - Washburn Rural Class of 2024 - Topeka's Best Senior Portraits

Isaiah was a blast to hang out with! His session was awesome and I appreciated his interest in contributing to the success of the shoot. He had ideas, and even though mom said she was surprised he was smiling for me, he smiled really easily. I felt like we hit it off right away and clicked really easily! Isaiah was super easy to photograph! Lots of great images and I really enjoyed showing off his personality. I enjoyed finding a creative way to capture his tattoo as well. These are great of him and I think you can get a good sense of him through these. Thanks for checking out his session! Enjoy!

T.H. Peterson: What are you enjoying most your senior year? 

Isaiah: Just how easy it is, I have 3 classes in the morning which are all super easy then I go over to Washburn Tech for the rest of the day and its extremely fun and easy.

T.H. P.: What classes are you glad to be done with?

Isaiah: I'm beyond happy that I’m done with English, no more essays, research papers, all that stuff it was such a hassle and I Never enjoyed any of it.

T.H. P.: What is your dream job?

Isaiah: I'm not 100% what I want to do but if I had to choose my dream job I think i'd pick something involving cars whether its like body work, engine performance, doesn’t matter Id enjoy any type of work on a vehicle.

T.H. P.: What is something you liked about your session with us?

Isaiah: The session was so much better than I thought it was going to be you were actually talking and making me laugh and I was worried it was going to be the opposite but I thoroughly enjoyed the session.  

T.H. P.: I love your tattoo.  How did you and your dad decide to get matching tattoos?

Isaiah: My sister and mom got matching tattoos for her 16th birthday and I loved that idea so I wanted one with my dad and Id already knew what I wanted to get: Romans 1:16, it says “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” and it stood out to me because its such an important verse to live by as a Christian in today's world.

T.H. P.: Any other tattoos you want?

Isaiah: Eventually, yeah 100%, I love tattoos and I want one soon but I’m still trying to figure out what I want.

T.H. P.: What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Isaiah: that I enjoy golf, I haven’t gone in a while due to the temperature and weather but I really do enjoy golfing.

T.H. P.: What kind of student are you?

Isaiah: probably more of an inconsistent student, sometimes I keep up but sometimes I just get burned out.

T.H. P.: What would you go back and tell your freshman self? 

Isaiah: High school’s a lot easier than you’d think, all you have to do is put in a little bit of effort, there were very few times I stressed about things like tests and assignments and stuff.

T.H. P.: Who makes you laugh?

Isaiah: pretty much everyone it's really not hard to make me laugh.

To book your own session, please call Tommy or Holly at 785.793.2492 or 785.213.0812 or email


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