Interview with Cheyenne Jade - Silver Lake Class of 2018 - Topeka's Best Senior Portraits

I am pretty sure this is the first time I have ever had a snow shoot as the main theme for a senior portrait session. It was a lot of fun and even though it was cold, it wasn't windy so that made shooting in the snow not too bad! Cheyenne contacted me and let me know that she really wanted to something unique and fun in the snow. It was amazing. I really loved the way it made the locations we normally shoot in different and beautiful. Also, snow gives a very reflective beautiful surface so that I didn't need to include much in the way of additional lighting. Cheyenne has a great smile and a nice serious expression too. Her whole session was a ton of fun. Super excited with how her shoot turned out! Thanks for checking out our shoot, hope you enjoy! T.H. Peterson: What's your favorite thing about going to Silver Lake? Cheyenne: How small it is. T.H. P.: How would you describe yourself in one word? Cheyenne: Christian. T.H. P.: Favorite o...