Cale's Newborn Session - Interview with Mom - Topeka's Newborn Photographers
We enjoyed our time with Cale and her mommy and daddy. They were all so sweet. I couldn't help but laugh because Cale was so expressive. She was a very adorable and sweet baby. Here's a handful of our favorite images! Enjoy! T.H. Peterson: How was your pregnancy? Did you have food cravings or aversions? Mariah: I was very blessed and had a pretty enjoyable pregnancy with Cale. My cravings were minimal, but fierce, and consisted of hot chocolate & chocolate milk. I had aversions to just about anything else that wasn’t a desert… which made meal time a lot of fun! T.H. P.: What did you think when you first saw Cale? Mariah: I think both of our hearts grew three sizes when we first saw her. She had a ton of hair, which we were not expecting. The doctor delivering her gave her a mohawk while she was crowning, so our first time seeing our little girl she had a full blown slicked up mohawk haha! T.H. P.: How did you come up with her name? Mariah: Our favorite hockey tea...