Hunter's Newborn Session- Interview with Mom - Awesome Newborn Session - Topeka Newborn Photographer

Hunter and his mommy returned to us for a newborn session, and Hunter was very alert during the whole session!  His mommy tried very hard to get him to have a nap, but he wanted to see what was going on around him! So, my assistants, Monica and Jess, worked together to wrap and pose him on various props!  We got some really great shots on the carriage, the bag and in front of the flag. Hunter did a nice job of staying content until the end, and that little stud can already hold his head up! We were blown away!  Thank you for checking out his session and we look forward to photographing Hunter and his family in the future.
T.H. Peterson:  How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant?

Renea:  I was surprised! We had decided to try for a third, but thought it would take a while. We ended up getting pregnant super fast and the only reason I found out was because my Fitbit told me it was time to check!

T.H. P.:  What did your other kids think of Hunter?
Renea:  Both of our boys love him, but our middle son Gunner is absolutely enamored by him. He checks on him when he wakes up and has to see where he is as soon as he is home each evening. Ryker (our oldest) has been an amazing helper and is becoming a master at giving Hunter his binky.
T.H. P.:  How did you decide on the name Hunter?

Renea:  We looked on a lot of blogs/name lists. We had it narrowed down to a few and my husband just started calling him Hunter and it stuck. And, with all 3 boys names ending in -er, I should be able to yell that and get their attention.

T.H. P.:  Describe your pregnancy/labor and delivery.
Renea:  Both of my other boys came early (37 and 34 weeks) so I figured he would be early as well. So when 35, 36 and 37 weeks passed, I was amazed he was still wanting to be inside. We had him at 38.5 weeks with repeat c-section. The procedure itself was pretty routine, but the day was not. It was the day of all of the bad weather and tornadoes and my parents were driving 3 hours to get here through all the poor weather. My in-laws ended up picking our boys up from daycare that day and bringing them to the hospital and when they got into the hospital, my father-in-law ended up having a heart attack and going into surgery! Thankfully, he is doing great now, but Hunter being born and they being at the hospital probably saved him from a lot of complications. It was an eventful day for sure!
T.H. P.:  How does it feel to have three boys!?

Renea:  I can't believe I have 3 boys. My house is already chaos and mud so adding more will be normal. It makes me very thankful we live on a farm!

To book your own session, please call Tommy or Holly at 785.793.2492 or 785.213.0812 or email


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