Emmett's Newborn Session - Interview with Mom - Topeka Newborn Portrait Photographers

 We welcomed Emmett to our studio for his newborn session and he was such a good baby.  He barely whimpered the entire session, and we were able to get some great eye contact with him looking into the camera!  As soon as Emmett laid down on the bag, he was posing, cooing and smiling for us. He smiled a few times, but like most babies, only when Tommy walked away!  Mom did a wonderful job helping to soothe him, and watched her special boy pose while we wrapped him up using the American flag! It was one of our favorite shots! We loved his big, bright eyes and his chunky cheeks!  He held his hands by his face for most of the shoot, and looked so sweet and adorable! We just love his session and hope you enjoy this one, too! Thank you!

T.H. Peterson:  How did you and your family feel when you found out you were pregnant with Emmett?
Jenny:  When we found out we were pregnant with Emmett we were excited yet pretty nervous being so close to our little girl and how things would change as a family and how she would adjust.
 T.H. P.:  How did you decide on the name Emmett?
Jenny:  Emmett Joseph was a name we picked out as a family and incorporated my grandpa’s middle name to match my daughters, who is named after my two late grandpas.

T.H. P.:  What is one baby item you absolutely could not live without?
Jenny:  As bad as it might sound, a pacifier. They are so comforting to my kids that I’m not sure we could function without them just yet!
 T.H. P.:  Describe your trip home from the hospital and your first night home as a family. 
Jenny:  Our trip home was a bit scary, we ended up getting released in the middle of a big snow storm and the roads were so slick that we almost got into a couple accidents but once we got home our night was great and little Emmett was so adaptable.

T.H. P.:  What was your favorite part about your newborn session with us?
Jenny:  My favorite part of our session was honestly, just how amazing and kind Jesse and Tommy were! They were so understanding and patient, even when Emmett didn’t want to cooperate.

To book your own session, please call Tommy or Holly at 785.793.2492 or 785.213.0812 or email tommy@thpetersonphoto.com


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