Zaylon's newborn session - Interview with Mom - Topeka's Best Newborn Photographers
What a beautiful baby! So precious! This session was so special. The love mom and dad have for their little one is so apparent and strong, it's just wonderful and being able to capture that made this session perfect. Zaylon was a very chill baby and photographing him was fun and easy! Even while he slept you could see lots of personality in his face. So handsome! Thank you for checking out his session. Enjoy! T.H. Peterson: What did you think when you first saw Zaylon? Emily: I thought how was this boy just inside of me?! T.H. P.: How did you come up with his name? Emily: We wanted a unique name that not a lot of other people have. I really just started thinking of random letters and came up with Zaylon. T.H. P.: What is something you liked about your session with us? Emily: I liked how comfortable the session was. You guys were able to swaddle him so well and keep him calm! T.H. P.: Did you have any special food aversions or cravings? Emily: I craved anything and everythin...