Knox's newborn session - Interview with mom - Topeka's Best Newborn Photographers
T.H. Peterson: How did you come up with Knox’s name?
Maleeah: We came up with his name by looking up a bunch of list of semi-unique baby names for months. We were between Greyson and Knox but ultimately chose Knox.
T.H. P.: What did you think when you first saw him?
Maleeah: When I first saw him I was in shock his was real. He was a calm baby in my stomach so to see him be real and so perfect was crazy. He also had a major cone head so I was a little worried but it came down beautifully!
T.H. P.: Who does he look like?
Maleeah: He looks just like his daddy. They are twins and have been since he first came out.
T.H. P.: Did you have food aversions or cravings during pregnancy?
Maleeah: I had a strong aversion to wing stop. We couldn’t even drive by it without me gagging! Which is crazy because I loved wing stop before I was pregnant. I craved all things sweet my whole pregnancy but the first trimester I craved pickles the hardest and the last I craved mozzarella sticks and had them everytime I went to work.
T.H. P.: What is his personality?
Maleeah: He is a very calm sleepy baby. He was 3 weeks early so he is just starting to be more alert 2 weeks later. I think he’s going to be a pretty chill guy like his dad, grandpa and great grandpa.
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