Amelia's newborn session - Interview with Mom - Topeka's Best Newborn Photographers
T.H. Peterson: What did you think when you first saw Amelia?
Ashley: We were instantly in love! She is our rainbow baby and is just a doll. This
pregnancy was rather challenging but the moment she was in my arms felt like
heaven. A moment I’ll cherish forever.
T.H. P.: How did you come up with her name?
Ashley: Her name is actually very special to us! Her first name is after my husband’s grandmother and her middle name, Sue, is after both my mother and my husband’s mother. Her nickname is “Emmy Sue”. My husband grew up in the south and we just love her name!
T.H. P.: What do siblings think?
Ashley: They love her! Our oldest daughter is 9 so she is very eager to step in and help whenever Emmy is upset. Her big brother is 6 and he is so excited to learn all about babies and loves talking to her.
T.H. P.: What is your favorite time of the day with Amelia?
Ashley: We love mornings with her. She is always so happy when she wakes up for the day and smiles whenever we’re talking to her.
T.H. P.: Something you liked about your session with us? Ashley: I loved how comfortable the environment was! Amelia did amazing and was able to feel comfortable in each pose.To book your own session, please call Tommy or Holly at 785.793.2492 or 785.213.0812 or email
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