Miss Raelynn on the blog - Interview with Mom - Topeka's Newborn Photographers

What an adorable little human! Raelynn was one of the most expressive babies we've ever photographed. We had lots of laughs as she made all sorts of faces and just looked adorable the whole time. Mom and dad are completely in love. It was great to be able to capture that special connection of the whole family. Here are some of our favorites from their session. Enjoy.

T.H. Peterson: What was your pregnancy like? Did you have any food aversions or


Cara: Amazing. I never thought I’d enjoy and miss feeling her little kicks in

there!  I absolutely hated the smell of eggs and never really craved specific things

but when I wanted a certain food I was starving until I got it!

T.H. P.: What was your first thought when you saw Raelynn?

Cara: Holy cow she’s beautiful and I can’t believe I made that. Then when I looked over and saw her dad tearing up after telling me he wouldn’t it just made everything seem even more worth it.

T.H. P.: How did you come up with her name?

Cara: It was the first girl name her dad and I both really liked and agreed on and her middle name is the same as mine. 

T.H. P.: What is something you liked about your session with us?

Cara: I liked that you both were so good and calm with her. She was a little difficult and awake for most of the session but you guys found a way to make it work along with still being so patient with her. 

T.H. P.: How is life adjusting to a new baby?

Cara: Life after a baby is definitely different and I don’t get to sleep as much as I did when I was pregnant haha but it is so rewarding!  Her snuggles and little smiles are everything and more!

 To book your own session, please call Tommy or Holly at 785.793.2492 or 785.213.0812 or email tommy@thpetersonphoto.com or you can sign up at bit.ly/PetersonNewborn


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