Get to know Katelyn and Ross!! Relationship spotlight!!!
We are a photography blog HOWEVER I recently started interviewing couples about their relationship. This has been a fun and educational and heartwarming experience. Getting a small insight into other couples has been fun to see and I hope of some value to you, the reader. Today’s spotlight is Katelyn and Ross. Enjoy!
T.H. Peterson: What are your ages?
Katelyn: 25
T.H. Peterson: How long have you been married or been together?
Katelyn: Together for 5 years married for 3
T.H. Peterson: How did you meet?
Katelyn: Mutual friends in a round about way.
T.H. Peterson: What were your first impressions of each other?
Katelyn: I thought wow he’s tall and handsome hahahaha
T.H. Peterson: Describe your relationship in one word.
Katelyn: Fun
T.H. Peterson: What have been some of the best moments of your marriage?
Katelyn: When we laugh. We’ve had just as hard times as anybody but we’be made it through!
T.H. Peterson: How have you learned to effectively resolve conflict?
Katelyn: Take a drive, we talk best driving back roads.
T.H. Peterson: What are some things that have helped keep your relationship strong?
Katelyn: Learning to love the little moments and love each other through the hard times
T.H. Peterson: What are some ways you are alike and different?
Katelyn: We’re alike in ways that when we’re passionate about something we believe in.
We’re different in many ways. But you know what they say! Opposites attract.
T.H. Peterson: Advice you'd give to yourself when you were first dating your significant other?|
Katelyn: I don’t think I really have any advice lol I wouldn’t change a thing. Our story is our story it’s meant as god intended it
T.H. Peterson: Tell us something funny or inspiring that happened in your relationship.
Katelyn: When Ross was trying to teach me how to drive our 5 speed car and I tapped it into the garage door
Katelyn: Love each other, always. Even on the hard days
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