Lorelai's newborn session - Interview with mom - Topeka's Top Newborn Portrait Photographers

What a gorgeous, sweet baby! Lorelai was a perfect little model for us. Once she really settled, she did perfect. I always think how much I love photographing these tiny humans but I think I realized photographing her, that one of the things that is the most special is how much the session is special for mom and dad. The connection and love that parents have during this special time, is so incredible to be able to document. I love it! Here's a few of our favorites! Enjoy!

T.H. Peterson: What did you think when you first saw Lorelai?

Hope:  When I first saw Lorelai I thought, I can't believe I just birthed a whole human. 

T.H. P.: How did you come up with her name?

Hope:  I actually got her name from a song, it's spelled differently but I just thought it sounded so pretty. 

T.H. P.: What was your pregnancy like? Any food aversions or cravings?

Hope:  I was really lucky and my pregnancy went very smoothly, however I constantly craved Pickles. I just couldn't get enough of them. 

T.H. P.: What has life been like adjusting to a new baby?

Hope:   Life adjusting to the new baby has been tough, I've never slept so little. On the flip side I love the baby snuggles. 

T.H. P.: What is something you enjoyed about your session with us? Hope:  Something I enjoyed about the session is how kind and welcoming you guys are.  I also really enjoyed how gentle you were with my baby.

To book your own session, please call Tommy or Holly at 785.793.2492 or 785.213.0812 or email tommy@thpetersonphoto.com or you can sign up for your own session at bit.ly/PetersonNewborns


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