Janie and Jovie - Newborn session with Twins! Interview with Mom - Topeka's Newborn Photographers

Now this was a special session! It's not often we photograph multiples for newborn sessions but these little girls were just perfect and despite them being born several months ago, because they were so premature they photographed just like brand new newborns! They were perfect! What a wonderful session and what a special story mom has to tell!

T.H. Peterson: What did you think when you found out you were having twins?

Taylor.: I was shocked and did not know anything about twins before being

pregnant with them. I later found out identical twins are a fluke and do not

run in families. It’s been been a learning experience for sure but I would not

trade it for the world.

T.H. P.: What did you think when you first saw them?

Taylor.: Due to complication of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, I had the girls via c-section at 29 weeks. My first glance  was brief before they were whisked away to the NICU. I remember thinking how small they were (Janie-3.6 lbs & Jovie-2.1 lbs) and how fearful I was they would not survive.

T.H. P.: How did you come up with their names?

Taylor.: Janie was named after my paternal grandmother who passed away when I was one. Her middle name is after my favorite cousin, Hunter, who is more like a brother. Jovie is a play on Jo, which comes from a long line dating as far back as her great-great grandma and my aunt. Her middle name Dove is after my great great aunt. Daddy’s only request was for them to have a “J” name to go along with their family brand.

T.H. P.: Something you liked about your session with us?

Taylor.: I love that he included me in the newborn session. Not many photographer go that extra mile to include parents.

T.H. P.: How has life been adjusting to a new baby?

Taylor.: We now have to be on more of a schedule than I was used to prior. We are learning to balance our lives as a family while continuing to take care of our relationship as a couple.

To book your own session, please call Tommy or Holly at 785.793.2492 or 785.213.0812 or email tommy@thpetersonphoto.com or register at bit.ly/PetersonNewborn



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